
Propel your brand's trajectory with the power of BrandScience™.


Trusted by over 150 major brands in 65+ Categories

Your Brand's Success is At-Risk.
What are you going to do about it?

More than ever, in a post-pandemic marketplace, ensuring your brand's success is your #1 priority. Brands waiting to return to the old ways are doomed in their tracks.

When it comes down to it, you need something iron-clad to ensure your results.
How will you accomplish your biggest goals? Maybe you're a:

In charge of building a brand that you want to become an industry-leading name.

responsible for your brand’s experience and growth, and need to track your brand's success daily.

who needs to imagine a future with the right brand tools that create long-term growth to get to the next level.

Wanting to build and monetize your content and authority in your space with a brand that can support your path.

Looking to lead your own movement, build community, and create lasting change with a brand that does just that. 

A known Thought Leader transitioning from blue-chip brand success to building your own brand platform.

Discover the game-changing secrets of BrandScience™ and share your remarkable brand with the world.

Get the same tools used by Fortune 500 Brands.

Great marketing, campaigns, social media, and every modern tool out there can't guarantee you the results you want if it's missing the most important component—the actual SCIENCE OF HOW BRANDS GROW

Discover the game-changing secret of BrandScience™ and share your remarkable brand with the world.

Not Driven by Latest Fluff,
Driven by science. BrandScience™.

Unlike other courses and marketing gurus, Brandpreneur™ isn't based on fads, theories, or the latest thing the cool kids are talking about on the back of the bus.

Instead, Brandpreneur is a revolutionary 10-week intensive workshop and retreat where you’ll learn the evidence-based strategies and tools used by Fortune 500 companies to create world-leading brands—and you’ll apply them to your brand.

Over 10 weeks we’ll dive into:

• your brand and its purpose — and how to effectively deploy your brand’s mission,
an empirical view of customer avatars and sales
• the scientific way marketing works
• how branding is the magical core that powers your sales and marketing efforts
• how to effectively structure and scale your brand’s operations, and
• how to create brand experiences that drive success.

You’ll learn from Stæven Frey, MFA, Founder and Senior Brand Scientist at Quantum Branding, and a leading branding expert.

Brandpreneur is unlike any other program, course, marketing, or agency initiative out there. Marketing leaders who have worked with Staeven on the Brandpreneur™ process have called it the most thorough, applicable, and transformational approach to branding and marketing they’ve ever encountered.


Hear What Members of the Cohort Are Saying

about their takeaways and growth as a result of joining Brandpreneur. 

  • “I wanted to know what was next. I had a brand, and I had an audience… Now, I feel empowered, I got my voice back, and my vision back of how to move forward with BrandScience.”
    Joanie Mouton, Shadowmatch
  • “I never knew there was a science to how branding works…and now that I do, I'm forever grateful. I realize there's a method to the madness, and now I can go out and be successful with the right tools.”
    Laura H. McAlister, Maxwell Leadership
  • “Every day I work with C-Suite leaders on their brand, and their leadership—their mission, vision, and values, but never really my own. The Brandpreneur Program gave me insights into my business's "why and how," and the right things finally clicked into place. If you're on the fence, take the leap. You won't regret it. Don't let what you don't know keep you from moving forward. Brandpreneur does just that. And more.  ”
    Danny Pippin, Danny Pippin Consulting

Instead, Brandprenuer is taking your business, your brand, and your vision, and filtering it through BrandScience—showing you the models, tools, biases, and KPIs of how a truly effective, Fortune 500-level brand operates.


Quantum Branding Agency Brand Audit

During the experience, you’ll have the opportunity to learn directly from Stæven and our extraordinary senior-level team of mentors who all will be working together—for you.

You’ll learn the Brand Authority Pyramid™–a diagnosis and metrics tool that you’ll take with you through the rest of your brand’s journey, building future goals, and building your brand in the right steps to ensure you’re going in the right direction.

You’ll break through the barriers to success that are holding you back, identify proven methods to propel growth and build scalable systems with KPIs based on BrandScience.


Brandpreneur is unlike any other program, course, or marketing or agency initiative out there.

In fact, there are none comparable to it.


How is it structured?

The Brandpreneur Program is 10 weeks and consists of three sections:
Brand Science Foundations •  4 Day In-Person Brandpreneur Workshop • Growth Strategies

The program consists of 10 weeks of community calls online, and an in-person workshop, meals during even hours, and all ground activities (on/off-site) are covered during the time of the event. Travel and housing are not included at this time.

  1. BrandScience Foundations

    6 Weeks of community calls and learning, helping prepare you to create your BrandPlan™.

  2. 4 Day In-Person Brandpreneur Workshop

    A four-day, three-night workshop geared towards building your BrandPlan™. Now that you know the basics, we can get to work.

  3. Growth Strategies

    In the remaining 4 weeks, we discuss low-risk growth strategy, create planning and accountability, and discuss consumer biases and other factors affecting success. We revise your plan and make one final presentation together.

Frequently Asked Questions.

You've got questions? We've got answers. Be sure to scroll through the topics below covering everything from mindset, finances, time frame, structure, and goals.

  • When is the next cohort? 

    The next cohort starts May 1st.
    Can’t make the dates? We are already working on details for the next one. If you’d like to join the waitlist, please >>
    click here << and we’ll place you at the front of the line to get notified when details are available.

  • How many participants are there in a cohort?

    We limit the group size to 12 participants. Sometimes, we’ll make an exception to this if we don’t plan on launching another cohort that quarter. Total group size will never exceed 15. We’ll simply launch another cohort next quarter and you can expect to be on the wait-list.

  • How "big" does my brand have to be to participate?

    Financially, you need to be capable of investing in yourself and your brand, first and foremost. BrandScience works for all brands, from $1 to $1B. 

    With that being said, we specialize in growth brands doing $5-25M and find that a brand with a minimum spend on a marketing budget of $150K a year, or individuals making six to seven figures are best suited to invest. 

    For brand leaders who are just getting started, if you're ready to invest in yourself and your brand, still please reach out. 

  • Who IS this a good fit for?

    If you’re passionate about your brand’s future, have a growth mindset, are committed to leveling up your A-game, and success is a priority, this may be for you. If you:

    • Often feel lucky, passionate, and driven
    • Love learning and growing
    • Value community and networking
    • Want professional expertise and want to do things right
    • Are a senior-level professional who highly values marketing and wants it done right.
    • Want to outperform your competition and become a leading authority in your field.
    • Want to increase your leads, close sales, and make marketing easier to deploy and track.
    • Want to grow your brand based on science, not unproven theories.

    —Then, this is your jam.

  • Who is Stæven?

    Stæven is the founder and Chief Brand Scientist at Quantum Branding. He is a senior brand strategist, designer, keynote speaker, and educator with 15+ years of experience guiding Fortune 500 Brands using BrandScience.

    For more information, check the about page or his speaking page.

Cohorts in the Brandpreneur™ Program
walk away with:

There's Three Main Components that you’ll get as a result of the Brandpreneur program.

1. An empirical understanding of BrandScience™
2. An evidence-based assessment of your own Brand
3. A BrandPlan™ for your brand's future

Additionally, you'll also walk away with the following:

Iron-Clad Brand Platform

Clearly distinguish yourself from your competitors by developing an iron-clad 

Like-Minded Community

Participated and become a valued member in a thriving community of exceptional brand leaders, having built incredible relationships personally and professionally

Proprietary Tools
  • Access to a library of proprietary tools, reading, and resources from the BrandScience Library, which you use as you build your brand
Distinctive Brand Assets

Identified your Distinctive Brand Assets and which ones to bolster/work on.

Understanding of BrandScience
  • A foundational understanding of BrandScience and the strategies, laws, biases, and factors that influence and govern it
Support and Feedback

One-on-one and community-based feedback, and during Office Hours and support calls. Additional WhatsApp community discussion throughout the week.

Brand Authority Framework
  • Learn how to grow and scale and your business' future using the Brand Authority Framework™
Major Mindset Shift
  • A renewed sense of self, direction, and future, complete with a mindset shift on how you experience you, your brand, and others around you. 
Passion + Clarity
  • A renewed passion, purpose, and clarity for yourself, your team, and your brand’s future.
Safe, Supportive Environment
  • Valuable Discussion and Feedback from your peers in a constructive, safe environment
Fortune-500 Level Services
  • Exclusive Access to future Design, Strategy, Coaching/Workshop, and Fractional CSO services from Quantum Branding.
Access to Continued Learning
  • Future Access to the Brandpreneur Events, Workshops, and Online Community.

Say "Heck yes!" to your brand?

What are you waiting for?
Chat with Stæven to see if this is a fit.